Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday Night TV

I just finished watching my shows of Tuesday night.

Pretty Little Liars:
It's amazing. Why aren't you watching it?

The Hills:
I just discussed this with Caitlin. We believe they need to bring Heidi and Spencer back. As much as I hate the two of them, they do make the show. And I really want to see more of Spencer's crystals.

The City:
Roxy is turning into Kelly Cutrone. She's just not as much of a baller.

Downtown Girls:
Now this is a new show that I've only watched one other time. And I was like half watching it, so I guess it doesn't really count. Anyway, it's this show about these girls who live in downtown New York. Well, the one girl just found out she didn't pass her Bar Exam to be a lawyer. That is like major devastation. I couldn't even imagine putting in all that time and effort to law school and then being told hey FYI: You're not good enough so wait another 6 months. I really do feel for her though.

Onto more important things...HUGE accident on 71 today! It literally took me 1.5 hours to get from Otterbein to Polaris and back. Absolutely insane.

Well tomorrow should be an exciting day...still trying to answer some major life questions and figure out what I'm doing...bleh.

Good night loveys...sweet dreams

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