Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's Time to Suit Up

Who thought the day would ever come? Definitely not me.

I start my first big girl job tomorrow. . .crazy! I'm excited, scared, nervous, ecstatic, just everything all wrapped into one. I've been job searching since literally December and freaking out. I've been crying, yelling, crying, screaming, and then crying some more about this whole job search process. My boyfriend is more than relieved I finally found something. The random outbursts of tears has gotten to be a bit much for him.

I am extremely ecstatic about this job! It's relevant to my degree and what I want to do. Who would've thunk it? I'll be writing press releases, managing social media, assisting in design layouts, answering phones, and other office odds and ends. I'm beyond excited to work for Herb Gillen. It's an advertising, public relations, and marketing company in Upper Arlington. The office is gorgeous! I'll be working as an assistant account executive. I still can't believe it!

My life is actually starting to come together. Next week starts apartment searching, and I don't mean those weak university-adjacent apartments. We are getting real up in this living space. I'm so excited to finally be a real person. Well, minus sitting in rush hour traffic. I could do without that. 

It was really weird that today was my last day of kiddie fun. No more Hobby Lobby shopping on Thursday afternoons. It's time to suit up. Speaking of work clothes, already picked the outfit for tomorrow. Yep, total geek. But I feel your first day apparel says a lot about a person. You have to teeter on the line of being cute and professional, but not trying to hard. Hopefully this outfit is a winner.

Well, I probably should hit the tick since I have to get up earlier than I've had to in a long while. Wish me luck : )

Monday, June 13, 2011

The End of an Era

Well it's the day after college graduation and I'm still a hot mess. Still no job. No plan. No roommate. I hate this. I'm a blubbering mess all of the time. I cannot believe it is all over.

Yesterday it really hit me like a ton of bricks. Up until graduation I had something to look forward to. Now I have nothing tangible to really hold on to. I get up in the morning and have no real plans. Will today be the day I get the phone call about that job? The uncertainty is killing me.

If you know me, you know I'm a planner.This year has probably been the hardest of my life so far. Hopefully it will get better soon. I still have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I've been applying for everything in sight, so hopefully something will turn up soon. 

It's really hard to stay motivated and positive when I keep getting doors slammed in my face or no chance at all. The only thing that is keeping me going is the love of my friends and family and the words of Chris Jansing, our commencement speaker.

What do you do when your life surpasses your dreams? You make more.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm thankful for...

Since thursday is Thanksgiving, I thought I would talk about what I'm thankful for. I'm obviously thankful for my friends, my family, life, love, etc. But let's get a little more specific.

I'm extra thankful for...
Game Days with Zach.
Nonsensical conversations with Lauren.
Singing realistic parodies to Jayme.
Getting texts from Shay.
Venting to Kelley about work.
Watching The Nanny until 1am with Caitlin.
My mom's uplifting words.
Grandma and Grandpa's visits to Columbus.
Dad's selfless gifts.
Hanging out in Megan's always warm room.
Anna singing in the shower.
Big P and Veeps.
Lo's ridiculous texts.
Caitlin's laugh. It's contagious.
Anna and Lauren's videos.
Zach's smile.
Living in a house full of wonderfully beautiful, interesting, compassionate women.
Taylor's rants. They always make me laugh.
Sigma Alpha Tau.
Bon Appetit.
Lindsay's humor.
Sara's willingness to listen.
Claire's BAMFness.
My housemates ability to keep me grounded.
Caitlin. There's no way I could list eveythibg she does for me. My BFF always.
And lastly faith. Faith that everything will work out the way God intended it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Love should be multiplied, not divided.

Well, the end of the quarter is here. I feel like it was only yesterday all the freshmen were moving in. My last fall quarter is officially over. How can that even be? It seems that just last week my friends and I were dressing up as men and having random dance parties in Clements. Where has the time gone? It's so depressing. 

If I could tell you underclassmen anything, it would be to treasure your time here. If you thought high school went fast, wait until the beginning of your senior year of college. I hate that it's almost over and it's about time for the real world. 

What am I going to do without random videos with Caitlin?
Or inappropriate white boards?
Or Lauren's quick whit?
Or Big P and Veeps?

Time is really passing me by too quickly. If only there was a way to take myself back to freshman year and enjoy it. I should have lived it up when I could have.

And now I feel like I'm going through a life crisis. I just need something to put my life in check. Something to make me say, okay that's where I'm headed. This is what I should be doing with my life.

Anywhooo....By Wednesday, I will be in the owl house all alone. It's put me in quite the crappy mood. It's hard to be excited for the holidays when you're spending a majority of your time by yourself. I'm going to try to make the best of it. If anyone has any interesting projects to try, let me know. I'm always up for new things.

Also, let's talk about Sister Wives. This show is ridiculous. I just feel like it's so inappropriate. How can you honestly be okay with your husband having more than one wife? His attention always being elsewhere? He plays it off that they're a happy little family. Well, during this episode the other wives speak out against the new (4th) wife. Yeah, it's pretty much crazy to think that four women and one man can all live in perfect harmony. Love should be multiplied, not divided? Get real KODY!

And Dexter...HOLY CRAP! Every week's episode makes me more and more nervous. Like how has he not been caught yet?! And now Lumin??? OMG! AHH!!!

Well, that's all for tonight. Anyway, you should be studying for finals, not reading this. Good luck to all of you.

Much Love!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

She loves General Tso, the person.

So today has truly been a hilarious day. I think the more time I spend in this office, the loopier I get. Good thing tomorrow is my last day. I definitely had a great time during this internship, but I absolutely need a mental break. Today is my last class, but I don't have to go because I turned everything in! WOO! Tomorrow I will be completely finished with my last fall quarter ever! That is so weird to say.

Speaking of ex-boyfriend from high school is getting married this weekend. It's not a big deal, just kinda weird. It just makes you feel like you should be all grown up by now.

So some things I'm looking forward to next quarter...
1. Going to class.
2. Being able to NOT go to class. : )
3. Caitlin having to wake up before me : )
4. Classes being cancelled because of snow.
5. PLEDGING & New Babies! YAY!!

Some thing's I'm NOT looking forward to next quarter...
1. Walking to class in the snow.
2. Getting hourly pay.
3. Giving campus tours in crappy weather.
4. Homework. What is that again?
5. Caitlin and Megan student teaching. (I mean it's great for them, but I won't see them throughout the day. Sadness becomes me.)

4:15pm is so depressing. You know why? It looks like it's 8pm at night. I feel like I've been in this chair for 12 hours. That's not the best of feelings.

I also want to send a shout out to Lauren Wargelin for consistently making me almost pee my pants daily. She loves General Tso, the person. That girl is ka-razy!

Tomorrow is Owl Thanksgiving and I'm making my grandma's infamous "Party Potatoes". They're going to be epic. I hope the underclassman can get their hands on some because I'm planning on helping myself to a nice, large portion (that's what she said).

And one more thing, I got an internship for next quarter in the Marketing and Communication Dept. at Otterbein. I'm very excited to use my writing skills and expand my resume. I'm feeling a little better about graduation, but don't be fooled. I'm still petrified.

Alright Peeps...
Hooter Out!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bring back,"Ding! Dong! Wolf! Bears!"

Change of plans. I will not be in Cincinnati over Christmas Break. I will be in the owl house. Alone. My Favorite. My internship with Gold Star Chili fell through, so now I'm making the best of it. I'll be working in the admission office full time for six more weeks. It will be good though to get some more experience and work done.

It's Week 10 and everyone is stressing out, except me. Well, I'm not stressing out for obvious reasons. No classes to attend. No final papers. No studying. No exams. I'm pretty lucky I guess. I only had one paper to write and it's done. Now I can sit and relax, well somewhat. I'm still looking for an internship for Winter Quarter and figuring out my schedule. And then there's the always weighing topic of what are you going to do after graduation? Yeah, the majority of stress in my life. But there is something that's putting me at ease.

My boyfriend, Zach, is interviewing for his boss' job at the OSU Flight School as Head of Dispatch. The job is salary and OSU would pay for his school and ground lessons! Can you say cha-ching?! He would be more than amazing and perfect for this job, so I really hope he gets it. He's stressing hardcore, but if he does get it I'll be less worried about my post-graduate life.

Other things...
So I started watching Sarah Palin's Alaska. Oh my lord is it precious. Okay you may think there's no way in hell she could run the country, but the lady is funny. I mean really, wouldn't you love to sit down and have a beer with her?!

I saw Megamind this weekend and it was hilarious! Will Ferrell always cuts to the core of me! And there are no words to describe Tina Fey! Best part of the whole movie is that Megamind (Will Ferrell) keeps pronouncing words incorrectly! It may not sound that funny, but in context it is. So please go see this hilarious movie!

Scarlet Johanssen was awful on SNL. She's almost too serious to be funny, if that makes sense. I didn't like it. Bring back "Ding! Dong! Wolf! Bears!" That, my friends, was hysterical.

Oprah continues to have depressing show topics. Keep the tissues coming.

It's getting darker, earlier. I hate it.

Well one great thing is happening this week...OWL THANKSGIVING!!! WOO!!! Love it! So excited! And we're mixing it up with Sphinx afterwards...amazingness!

Peace Out Girl Scout!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

If you have been watching Oprah the last two weeks or so, you've probably been a blubbering mess.

Apparently crazy encompasses my life now. My internship is still going well. After this week, I have one week left.  I love what I'm doing, but I'm ready for a mental break. I found out this week I got an internship with Gold Star Chili, Inc. in Cincinnati over winter break. I'm more than excited. Thing is, I'm staying at home with my family for six weeks. I hope this is a good thing. I haven't stayed with them since I was a sophomore. Also, I don't exactly have a room there so we're rennovating my step-dad's office into a bedroom? Yeah, we'll see how that goes. I mean I really am excited to spend some quality time with my family.

So what else is new? I'm pretty excited about being in class again next quarter. It's definitely going to be an adjustment, but I'm excited to be learning in the classroom again.

Tonight I'm going to see Megamind at the free movie night with Caitlin. I'm pretty excited to see Will Ferrel blue and Tina Fey being typical Tina Fey.

The CMAs were on last night and Miranda Lambert cleaned house! Girl did work! Her outfits weren't so flattering, but she was obviously more concerned with her music than fashion. Carrie Underwood on the other hand was gorgeous as usual. I just love that Brad and her host now. It is always hilarious! I am sick and tired of all of the slow songs they're playing on award shows. How about you're here to entertain me, not make me cry. Loretta Lynn was still rocking it for 76!

Also I have become obsessed with Hellcats! Amazing show. Okay, maybe it's for high school girls, but I love it because it's about college and cheerleading. So whatever, I like it.

And another thing...Oprah what exactly are you trying to do? Put America into a depression? I mean the legitimate emotion of being depressed. If you have been watching Oprah the last two weeks or so, you've probably been a blubbering mess. Why? Oh you know Oprah has Portia with an eating disorder and men who have been sexually abused. Like what is this? But you know it's like a car accident. You don't want to watch, but you just can't look away.

Love & Hoots!
--Hooter out