Thursday, November 18, 2010

She loves General Tso, the person.

So today has truly been a hilarious day. I think the more time I spend in this office, the loopier I get. Good thing tomorrow is my last day. I definitely had a great time during this internship, but I absolutely need a mental break. Today is my last class, but I don't have to go because I turned everything in! WOO! Tomorrow I will be completely finished with my last fall quarter ever! That is so weird to say.

Speaking of ex-boyfriend from high school is getting married this weekend. It's not a big deal, just kinda weird. It just makes you feel like you should be all grown up by now.

So some things I'm looking forward to next quarter...
1. Going to class.
2. Being able to NOT go to class. : )
3. Caitlin having to wake up before me : )
4. Classes being cancelled because of snow.
5. PLEDGING & New Babies! YAY!!

Some thing's I'm NOT looking forward to next quarter...
1. Walking to class in the snow.
2. Getting hourly pay.
3. Giving campus tours in crappy weather.
4. Homework. What is that again?
5. Caitlin and Megan student teaching. (I mean it's great for them, but I won't see them throughout the day. Sadness becomes me.)

4:15pm is so depressing. You know why? It looks like it's 8pm at night. I feel like I've been in this chair for 12 hours. That's not the best of feelings.

I also want to send a shout out to Lauren Wargelin for consistently making me almost pee my pants daily. She loves General Tso, the person. That girl is ka-razy!

Tomorrow is Owl Thanksgiving and I'm making my grandma's infamous "Party Potatoes". They're going to be epic. I hope the underclassman can get their hands on some because I'm planning on helping myself to a nice, large portion (that's what she said).

And one more thing, I got an internship for next quarter in the Marketing and Communication Dept. at Otterbein. I'm very excited to use my writing skills and expand my resume. I'm feeling a little better about graduation, but don't be fooled. I'm still petrified.

Alright Peeps...
Hooter Out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shoutout! You are hilariouser though. We make a great comedy team.
    PS- Did you see the dragon I drew on the picture on my door?
