Apparently crazy encompasses my life now. My internship is still going well. After this week, I have one week left. I love what I'm doing, but I'm ready for a mental break. I found out this week I got an internship with Gold Star Chili, Inc. in Cincinnati over winter break. I'm more than excited. Thing is, I'm staying at home with my family for six weeks. I hope this is a good thing. I haven't stayed with them since I was a sophomore. Also, I don't exactly have a room there so we're rennovating my step-dad's office into a bedroom? Yeah, we'll see how that goes. I mean I really am excited to spend some quality time with my family.
So what else is new? I'm pretty excited about being in class again next quarter. It's definitely going to be an adjustment, but I'm excited to be learning in the classroom again.
Tonight I'm going to see Megamind at the free movie night with Caitlin. I'm pretty excited to see Will Ferrel blue and Tina Fey being typical Tina Fey.
The CMAs were on last night and Miranda Lambert cleaned house! Girl did work! Her outfits weren't so flattering, but she was obviously more concerned with her music than fashion. Carrie Underwood on the other hand was gorgeous as usual. I just love that Brad and her host now. It is always hilarious! I am sick and tired of all of the slow songs they're playing on award shows. How about you're here to entertain me, not make me cry. Loretta Lynn was still rocking it for 76!
Also I have become obsessed with Hellcats! Amazing show. Okay, maybe it's for high school girls, but I love it because it's about college and cheerleading. So whatever, I like it.
And another thing...Oprah what exactly are you trying to do? Put America into a depression? I mean the legitimate emotion of being depressed. If you have been watching Oprah the last two weeks or so, you've probably been a blubbering mess. Why? Oh you know Oprah has Portia with an eating disorder and men who have been sexually abused. Like what is this? But you know it's like a car accident. You don't want to watch, but you just can't look away.
Love & Hoots!
--Hooter out
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