Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Hills Series Finale

So I'm back to the real world...and not exactly thrilled. It's not that I don't like my job(s). It's just a little mundane compared to taking the Metro to visit the South Lawn. Either way, I'm back and work and bored for today. Tomorrow I'll be canvassing local businesses with one of the other girls in the office, so that should be interesting.

I've decided to start being "healthy". We'll see how long it lasts. Yesterday was Day 1 of "Drink as much water as possible". I also did Yoga for the first time. It's a little odd, but rewarding to say the least. And the best part of all...little to no sweat. You can ask my roommate why I don't like to exercise. I sweat and that's gross. Ew. Well now I have a win/win situation going for me. Today began Day 2 of guzzle water like a camel. It isn't agreeing with me well. My bladder may be the size of a pea. I have been at work since 12:30pm and I have peed 6 times. That really is unnecessary. I feel like it really would just be easier to have a catheter installed.

Tonight is the SERIES FINALE of THE HILLS! I know most of you don't care, but to me this is BIG BIG BIG! I heard Lauren will be back which is amazing! I've been watching her since the first season of Laguna Beach. And while we're on the topic of Laguna Beach...If you are on Team Kristin then you have not watched that show. Laguna shows who Kristin really is and how much a sweetheart Lauren is! I challenge you to watch LB and tell me you still love Kristin. It's impossible. I would love to see a showdown of Brody and Stephen: two hottie pants.

Of course Pretty Little Liars is on again tonight. If you're not watching, what's wrong with you? I don't want to give away too many details in the hope you'll eventually stop being stubborn and get addicted to PLL.

Peace, Love, & Hoots!

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