Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sorry for the hold up : )

Just got back from the UP. I feel like I've been gone for a year--whew. I caught a lot of fish and jet-skiied for the first time. My comment about coming home is Wow it is HOT! It was never warmer than 80 degrees up there and there was no humidity. The week was wonderful, but I'm happy to be home and sleeping in my own bed tonight.

Things to do this week:

I'm not looking forward to the slap in the face of reality. So I've literally been sitting here all day trying to catch up on my TV watching. Yes, I'm lame.

I've been thinking about a lot of things involving my life lately. Again, freaking out about entering the real world. Speaking of, the real world...I'm currently watching the show and LOVING IT! I would love to be on the show just to experience new things. I love the challenge of a new city and new people.

I want to try anything and everything I can. So if you have a food, activity, or whatever to try...let me know. I'm just trying to expand my herizons and get the most out of this life. I'll document my adventures and obviously give you props for the idea.

Good night pretties!

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