Wednesday, August 18, 2010

But I mean honestly, how early is too early to send out resumes?

Okay so yesterday I was complaining because all of my shows for the summer were ending. Well, crap. Yes, I found two more shows to watch: The Big C and Weeds. I attempted wathcing The Real L. I did not like that. I've only watched one episode of each but they seem like pretty good shows (minus The Real L, not my cup of tea) so I guess I will continue to watch them until I get bored. The Big C just had its series premiere so there's only been one episode, but out of the two I like that one better. Plus, it's only 30 minutes so it doesn't waste much time. I have a feeling that I will be catching up on the six series of Weeds next week when I'm recovering.

Laura Linney, Cathy, in the main character in The Real C. Her humor is brilliant on the show. I feel like if this kind of situation would happen to me or my mom, we would act the exact same way.

Did I mention Gabourey Sidibe is in this show? Cracked me up at first. There are a lot of random actors that are in and out of this show. Loving that!

And then the little boy in Weeds, Shane, is super precious. He is one of the cutest little boys. You'll see when you watch Season 1. Makes me want to put the little trinket in my pocket.

I'm continuing on my stressful journey to get any and all things done. I know I shouldn't stress and worry, but it's what I do best. I just feel like I'm going to forget to do something or completely miss a major detail completely. I'm mostly talking about all things owls and homecoming that's coming up. I will happy when everyone is back at school and we can process all these things together. That will take loads off my mind.

And great thing, I woke up this morning at like 5am and couldn't not fall back to sleep. Why? Oh, I was just stressing about finding a legit job in like 10 months. I told you I worried (a lot). I mean I really would like to stay in the Columbus area, but I guess I'll be going wherever a job will take me. I need a full-time job with benefits. They don't have to be great benefits but I would like to be able to get my teeth cleaned and see a half decent doctor. I just wish I had something already set up and yeah, yeah, I know I'll be fine. But I'm a planner. I want to know now what's happening in 10 years. I need to know every detail. Hopefully, I will find an internship this year at a company that wants to keep me on full time after school is over. Let's hope and pray for that.

But I mean honestly, how early is too early to send out resumes?


  1. You need to calm down!

  2. Oh, PS that was from Caitlin :)

  3. Yeah, what Caitlin said. - Dad

  4. You are too ambitious for your own good. Relax. Give yourself a month or two. I love you. - Mom
