Sunday, August 8, 2010

She looks like a Vegas showgirl minus the pretty.

Greetings Monsters!

So I'm sitting in the owl house once again. Caitlin just left : (. We had quite the wonderful weekend. She got here Saturday afternoon which is AWESOME!!! We got into some shenanigans, like usual. I cannot wait until September.

I am currently watching Big Brother. Brendan and Rachel make me want to vomit with their Showmance! He is gorgeous and she, well she looks like a Vegas showgirl minus the pretty. I just want them gone because they're not even entertaining--just annoying. But I do love Ragan. He is a gay college professor and he is precious. OMG and now Ragan the Precious is spurring with Rachel the Fugly. Get off my homeboy, hobag!

The So You Think You Can Dance season finale is on this week. Please watch! I definitely want Lauren to win, but I know Kent will win. Which is fine because he's precious and from Wapakoneta!

I've been painting today and I literally was outside for five minutes and I had 12 mosquito bites. Like really? Ugh! I hate bugs. Thank goodness I had some OFF! Deep Woods from 7 years ago in my closet--worked like a charm.

Oh, exciting news! I ate at Old Bag for the first time on Saturday. And FISH was my waitress--perfect! I had a buffalo chicken wrap, which was DELICIOUS!!! I love me some buffalo chicken. If you haven't had it, I suggest you go grab yourself some immediately. It is TASTY!

Okay good night lovies!

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