Friday, August 13, 2010

Floaters get a life vest!

TGIF! Like legitimately so ready this week to be over!

Okay so big things happened this week in the entertainment world. This is for sure a spoiler blog if you haven't been using your DVR this week, so beware!

First and foremost, the So You Think You Can Dance finale was on last night. AMAZING!!! Lauren won! And let me just say she was my favorite from Vegas. Yes, I guess you could say I have quite the eye for talent. I was sad for my little Kent. I mean he's still amazing and I'm sure he'll find work immediately and a girlfriend for that matter. This season was (in my eyes) the best season yet--so much talent!

I do have a few complaints though:
1. Lauren and Kent didn't do their prom dance which was PHENOM!
2. The double male ballroom dances need to go. Super awkward. It looks like they're in John Devlin's beginning ballroom class and no girls signed up so they have to dance together. I don't like it.
3. Comfort's hair in her number with Adechike. What was going on there?
4. Robert not having his shirt off more.
5. Mia Michael's dictionary of fake and obnoxious words. Murderation?

I mean it was an amazing season minus that. Definitely my FAV!

Onto Big Brother...the slutbag Rachel is finally gone! Thank you lord! She legitimately got mad at Kathy, another contestant, for celebrating when she beat Rachel in a competition. Lask week after Rachel won Head of Household she yelled, "Floaters get a life vest!" Well at least she's not hypocritical. This girl drives me crazy with her drama, tearsm and just complete ugliness. I'm tired of seeing it. Everyone, minus your blind showmance boyfriend, is happy to see you go.

And finally Jersey Shore! This show is so classless, but that's where the Emmys lie. Last night Snookie and Vinnie "hooked up." No one really knows what happened, but I'm sure their drunk selves had zero self-control. Ronnie us being his usual pig self: going out to the car with Sammie, getting into a fight and telling her to leave, hooking up with "grenades", and then coming back home to sleep in Sammie's bed. Disgusting.

More to come next week!

Love & Hoots!


  1. I am so glad that I met you at Summer Institute because I love reading your daily blurbs! I totally agree with you on Rachel...I couldn't handle one more "no one comes between me and my man!"

  2. Hahah Thanks Kim! It was great meeting you too. And yeah Rachel is ridiculous! Like no one is trying to come between you are your man. You can be in the jury house together, just get away from the rest of us normal people haha
