Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's Time to Suit Up

Who thought the day would ever come? Definitely not me.

I start my first big girl job tomorrow. . .crazy! I'm excited, scared, nervous, ecstatic, just everything all wrapped into one. I've been job searching since literally December and freaking out. I've been crying, yelling, crying, screaming, and then crying some more about this whole job search process. My boyfriend is more than relieved I finally found something. The random outbursts of tears has gotten to be a bit much for him.

I am extremely ecstatic about this job! It's relevant to my degree and what I want to do. Who would've thunk it? I'll be writing press releases, managing social media, assisting in design layouts, answering phones, and other office odds and ends. I'm beyond excited to work for Herb Gillen. It's an advertising, public relations, and marketing company in Upper Arlington. The office is gorgeous! I'll be working as an assistant account executive. I still can't believe it!

My life is actually starting to come together. Next week starts apartment searching, and I don't mean those weak university-adjacent apartments. We are getting real up in this living space. I'm so excited to finally be a real person. Well, minus sitting in rush hour traffic. I could do without that. 

It was really weird that today was my last day of kiddie fun. No more Hobby Lobby shopping on Thursday afternoons. It's time to suit up. Speaking of work clothes, already picked the outfit for tomorrow. Yep, total geek. But I feel your first day apparel says a lot about a person. You have to teeter on the line of being cute and professional, but not trying to hard. Hopefully this outfit is a winner.

Well, I probably should hit the tick since I have to get up earlier than I've had to in a long while. Wish me luck : )

Monday, June 13, 2011

The End of an Era

Well it's the day after college graduation and I'm still a hot mess. Still no job. No plan. No roommate. I hate this. I'm a blubbering mess all of the time. I cannot believe it is all over.

Yesterday it really hit me like a ton of bricks. Up until graduation I had something to look forward to. Now I have nothing tangible to really hold on to. I get up in the morning and have no real plans. Will today be the day I get the phone call about that job? The uncertainty is killing me.

If you know me, you know I'm a planner.This year has probably been the hardest of my life so far. Hopefully it will get better soon. I still have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I've been applying for everything in sight, so hopefully something will turn up soon. 

It's really hard to stay motivated and positive when I keep getting doors slammed in my face or no chance at all. The only thing that is keeping me going is the love of my friends and family and the words of Chris Jansing, our commencement speaker.

What do you do when your life surpasses your dreams? You make more.