Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm thankful for...

Since thursday is Thanksgiving, I thought I would talk about what I'm thankful for. I'm obviously thankful for my friends, my family, life, love, etc. But let's get a little more specific.

I'm extra thankful for...
Game Days with Zach.
Nonsensical conversations with Lauren.
Singing realistic parodies to Jayme.
Getting texts from Shay.
Venting to Kelley about work.
Watching The Nanny until 1am with Caitlin.
My mom's uplifting words.
Grandma and Grandpa's visits to Columbus.
Dad's selfless gifts.
Hanging out in Megan's always warm room.
Anna singing in the shower.
Big P and Veeps.
Lo's ridiculous texts.
Caitlin's laugh. It's contagious.
Anna and Lauren's videos.
Zach's smile.
Living in a house full of wonderfully beautiful, interesting, compassionate women.
Taylor's rants. They always make me laugh.
Sigma Alpha Tau.
Bon Appetit.
Lindsay's humor.
Sara's willingness to listen.
Claire's BAMFness.
My housemates ability to keep me grounded.
Caitlin. There's no way I could list eveythibg she does for me. My BFF always.
And lastly faith. Faith that everything will work out the way God intended it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Love should be multiplied, not divided.

Well, the end of the quarter is here. I feel like it was only yesterday all the freshmen were moving in. My last fall quarter is officially over. How can that even be? It seems that just last week my friends and I were dressing up as men and having random dance parties in Clements. Where has the time gone? It's so depressing. 

If I could tell you underclassmen anything, it would be to treasure your time here. If you thought high school went fast, wait until the beginning of your senior year of college. I hate that it's almost over and it's about time for the real world. 

What am I going to do without random videos with Caitlin?
Or inappropriate white boards?
Or Lauren's quick whit?
Or Big P and Veeps?

Time is really passing me by too quickly. If only there was a way to take myself back to freshman year and enjoy it. I should have lived it up when I could have.

And now I feel like I'm going through a life crisis. I just need something to put my life in check. Something to make me say, okay that's where I'm headed. This is what I should be doing with my life.

Anywhooo....By Wednesday, I will be in the owl house all alone. It's put me in quite the crappy mood. It's hard to be excited for the holidays when you're spending a majority of your time by yourself. I'm going to try to make the best of it. If anyone has any interesting projects to try, let me know. I'm always up for new things.

Also, let's talk about Sister Wives. This show is ridiculous. I just feel like it's so inappropriate. How can you honestly be okay with your husband having more than one wife? His attention always being elsewhere? He plays it off that they're a happy little family. Well, during this episode the other wives speak out against the new (4th) wife. Yeah, it's pretty much crazy to think that four women and one man can all live in perfect harmony. Love should be multiplied, not divided? Get real KODY!

And Dexter...HOLY CRAP! Every week's episode makes me more and more nervous. Like how has he not been caught yet?! And now Lumin??? OMG! AHH!!!

Well, that's all for tonight. Anyway, you should be studying for finals, not reading this. Good luck to all of you.

Much Love!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

She loves General Tso, the person.

So today has truly been a hilarious day. I think the more time I spend in this office, the loopier I get. Good thing tomorrow is my last day. I definitely had a great time during this internship, but I absolutely need a mental break. Today is my last class, but I don't have to go because I turned everything in! WOO! Tomorrow I will be completely finished with my last fall quarter ever! That is so weird to say.

Speaking of weird..my ex-boyfriend from high school is getting married this weekend. It's not a big deal, just kinda weird. It just makes you feel like you should be all grown up by now.

So some things I'm looking forward to next quarter...
1. Going to class.
2. Being able to NOT go to class. : )
3. Caitlin having to wake up before me : )
4. Classes being cancelled because of snow.
5. PLEDGING & New Babies! YAY!!

Some thing's I'm NOT looking forward to next quarter...
1. Walking to class in the snow.
2. Getting hourly pay.
3. Giving campus tours in crappy weather.
4. Homework. What is that again?
5. Caitlin and Megan student teaching. (I mean it's great for them, but I won't see them throughout the day. Sadness becomes me.)

4:15pm is so depressing. You know why? It looks like it's 8pm at night. I feel like I've been in this chair for 12 hours. That's not the best of feelings.

I also want to send a shout out to Lauren Wargelin for consistently making me almost pee my pants daily. She loves General Tso, the person. That girl is ka-razy!

Tomorrow is Owl Thanksgiving and I'm making my grandma's infamous "Party Potatoes". They're going to be epic. I hope the underclassman can get their hands on some because I'm planning on helping myself to a nice, large portion (that's what she said).

And one more thing, I got an internship for next quarter in the Marketing and Communication Dept. at Otterbein. I'm very excited to use my writing skills and expand my resume. I'm feeling a little better about graduation, but don't be fooled. I'm still petrified.

Alright Peeps...
Hooter Out!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bring back,"Ding! Dong! Wolf! Bears!"

Change of plans. I will not be in Cincinnati over Christmas Break. I will be in the owl house. Alone. My Favorite. My internship with Gold Star Chili fell through, so now I'm making the best of it. I'll be working in the admission office full time for six more weeks. It will be good though to get some more experience and work done.

It's Week 10 and everyone is stressing out, except me. Well, I'm not stressing out for obvious reasons. No classes to attend. No final papers. No studying. No exams. I'm pretty lucky I guess. I only had one paper to write and it's done. Now I can sit and relax, well somewhat. I'm still looking for an internship for Winter Quarter and figuring out my schedule. And then there's the always weighing topic of what are you going to do after graduation? Yeah, the majority of stress in my life. But there is something that's putting me at ease.

My boyfriend, Zach, is interviewing for his boss' job at the OSU Flight School as Head of Dispatch. The job is salary and OSU would pay for his school and ground lessons! Can you say cha-ching?! He would be more than amazing and perfect for this job, so I really hope he gets it. He's stressing hardcore, but if he does get it I'll be less worried about my post-graduate life.

Other things...
So I started watching Sarah Palin's Alaska. Oh my lord is it precious. Okay you may think there's no way in hell she could run the country, but the lady is funny. I mean really, wouldn't you love to sit down and have a beer with her?!

I saw Megamind this weekend and it was hilarious! Will Ferrell always cuts to the core of me! And there are no words to describe Tina Fey! Best part of the whole movie is that Megamind (Will Ferrell) keeps pronouncing words incorrectly! It may not sound that funny, but in context it is. So please go see this hilarious movie!

Scarlet Johanssen was awful on SNL. She's almost too serious to be funny, if that makes sense. I didn't like it. Bring back "Ding! Dong! Wolf! Bears!" That, my friends, was hysterical.

Oprah continues to have depressing show topics. Keep the tissues coming.

It's getting darker, earlier. I hate it.

Well one great thing is happening this week...OWL THANKSGIVING!!! WOO!!! Love it! So excited! And we're mixing it up with Sphinx afterwards...amazingness!

Peace Out Girl Scout!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

If you have been watching Oprah the last two weeks or so, you've probably been a blubbering mess.

Apparently crazy encompasses my life now. My internship is still going well. After this week, I have one week left.  I love what I'm doing, but I'm ready for a mental break. I found out this week I got an internship with Gold Star Chili, Inc. in Cincinnati over winter break. I'm more than excited. Thing is, I'm staying at home with my family for six weeks. I hope this is a good thing. I haven't stayed with them since I was a sophomore. Also, I don't exactly have a room there so we're rennovating my step-dad's office into a bedroom? Yeah, we'll see how that goes. I mean I really am excited to spend some quality time with my family.

So what else is new? I'm pretty excited about being in class again next quarter. It's definitely going to be an adjustment, but I'm excited to be learning in the classroom again.

Tonight I'm going to see Megamind at the free movie night with Caitlin. I'm pretty excited to see Will Ferrel blue and Tina Fey being typical Tina Fey.

The CMAs were on last night and Miranda Lambert cleaned house! Girl did work! Her outfits weren't so flattering, but she was obviously more concerned with her music than fashion. Carrie Underwood on the other hand was gorgeous as usual. I just love that Brad and her host now. It is always hilarious! I am sick and tired of all of the slow songs they're playing on award shows. How about you're here to entertain me, not make me cry. Loretta Lynn was still rocking it for 76!

Also I have become obsessed with Hellcats! Amazing show. Okay, maybe it's for high school girls, but I love it because it's about college and cheerleading. So whatever, I like it.

And another thing...Oprah what exactly are you trying to do? Put America into a depression? I mean the legitimate emotion of being depressed. If you have been watching Oprah the last two weeks or so, you've probably been a blubbering mess. Why? Oh you know Oprah has Portia with an eating disorder and men who have been sexually abused. Like what is this? But you know it's like a car accident. You don't want to watch, but you just can't look away.

Love & Hoots!
--Hooter out

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where did the last three years go?

So it's been awhile...

My life has been a little crazy the past few weeks. Owls 100th Anniversary, Homecoming, Birthdays, Internship. It is definitely opening my eyes to what next spring has to offer. I'm nervous, so nervous. I'm not ready to graduate and be a big girl. I want to have the crutch of college to fall back on. Where did the last three years go?

No Really. Where did the last three years go? I feel like I should still be a senior in high school picking out a tacky homecoming dress and suiting up for powderpuff football. Time keeps flying by and there really is nothing I can do about. I hate it really. I'm trying my best to take it one day at a time and enjoy my senior year. But in the back of my head, all I can think about is find an internship, find a job, find an internship, find a job. How do people deal with that stress? Onto things that worry me less...

October has been jam packed with events in my life. It was Caitlin and my's birthday, so lots of celebrations were in order. This year's birthday was fifteen times better than last. That really is saying something since last year was the big 2-1! I was also crazy busy with homecoming preparations. Our float one first place--woo! We worked so hard on that thing...making flowers, attaching flowers, painting flowers. I could see those flowers in my sleep. It's over now and I can relax, somewhat.

This weekend is Halloween, my favorite holiday. Yeah, I'm weird. I know. But if you love dressing up and scary things, then duh! Halloween has to be your favorite holiday. I went with some friends last week to the Haunted Hoochi, which was a blast. I've been there before, but it is still so much fun. It's in the top 25 best haunts. I definitely want to go to another, but I doubt I can coerce anyone into going by this weekend.

My plans are still undecided for winter break. I can always work in the admission office, but that would mean living in the owl house all alone for six weeks. I'm not a big fan of that idea. I'm looking for internships in Cincinnati and Columbus, but nothing yet. I feel like finding an internship is a job within itself.

Hopefully more to come. Love & Hoots!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I've heard the Jonas Brothers get nervous before every show.

So it's been a long time since I've written. Sorry about that. October has been crazy! Monday is my last day of travel for the admission office. I'm very excited to be back on campus more! As of right now, I'm applying for internships and trying to decide when to apply for jobs. So stressful!

Thursday was my birthday and it was definitely one of the best ones yet. The girls and I went to Texas Roadhouse for some mug-a-ritas! DELICIOUS! Then we went to Old Bag for College Night. So so so much fun! Even Caitlin and Kelley went! : )) Overall wonderful birthday with wonderful people! Yesterday I had a lovely dinner with Zach. So sweet of him!

Next week is Homecoming so the craziness will continue. I'm very excited to see all the alumni come back--woo!

Also, side note. This past week's The Office was hysterical and Modern Family. AMAZING!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I love Owls and I rep it hard!

What's happened since we last spoke:

1. I went on my first high school visit. Another counselor ran the visit, but I added my info here and there.
2. I went to Articulation (guidance and admission counselors meet and get information) at BGSU. It was interesting to hear representatives talk about private and public colleges.
3. I went to my first college fair with a counselor and another one by myself. I honestly thought I would be more nervous on the road with these visits, but so far I've been fine. I guess Public Speaking with Linda Davis really paid off. Blue is for you! The college fair by myself went fabulous. I had lots of students asking about Otterbein. And we all know what that means, more PNMs (potential new members)! YAY!

Okay, yes. I do have an unhealthy obsession with finding new members for owls. But can you blame me? It's probably the most fun I've ever continuously had! Obviously I love Sigma Alpha Tau and owls, but mainly I want to throw out to GO GREEK! I love Owls and I rep it hard! But Greek Life is honesly one of the best things you can do to easily get involved on campus. It's a great way to meet new people, network, do community service, and receive scholarships. Okay, well that's my schpeel. But really GOOOO GREEEEK! DO IT!

So back to my life and the real world. Well, speak of The Real World...the season finale was on last night...ugh. I wish it was on continuously because I love it, love it, love it. And I really really really really really want to be on it. Like really bad. It would probably help if I made a submission tape. : )

Okay...real life. Well, I'm living the admission field. It has been pretty amazing helping students. It's the first time in my life I feel like I could make a career out of this and feel like I'm legitimately helping others. Best feeling in the world. I could do without the driving and early mornings, but that's nothing compared to the end result. Also, I'm missing my owl girls. I hate missing meetings, but I'll be at the next two...no worries. I am just trying to be a sponge and absorb any and all knowledge about the admission process.

:Currently loving life

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Otterbein University--Wow, that's weird to say.

So it's about 4 days before classes start here at Otterbein University. Wow, that's weird to say. I can't get use to saying that. I guess it will come with time.

I'm still working at the admission office and then next week I start traveling. I'm so so so excited. I am kinda sad though that I won't be taking classes with everyone else. I have an internship class, but that doesn't really count being only 2 credit hours. I probably won't be writing as much because I will be on the road quite a bit.

Freshmen move in tomorrow, which is super exciting!! YAY!!! I'm just really exciting to see more people on campus. It can get pretty boring over the summer. Today at my internship we met with Sarah Fatherly to talk about the new INST programs. OMG--so jealous! The classes are going to be awesome!

I'm now watching Hellcats. I'm about ten minutes into the pilot and LOVING it! It's about college and cheerleading. Two things I love!

So I spent all of Labor Day crafting--my new found obsession. I did fifteen kinds of crazy shenanigans all over the owl house. Pictures coming soon : ) I've also decided I need my sewing machine here. I would get so much use out of it and I CANNOT wait : )) Yay!!

Alright it's nighty night for this hooter. Moving in freshman tomorrow during work and then Zach is coming over to help me move random things out of the basement.

Love & Hoots!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I think I might have found my niche.

Long time, no talk.

So I'm finally doing better when it comes to my teeth. I'm still in a little bit of pain, but nothing compared to what it could be so I'm not complaining.

As most of you know, or SHOULD know today is the first OSU game of the season against Marshall. My dad is coming up for the game and we're trying to find tickets or he's found tickets already or something like that. Basically we're trying to go to the game and if we don't make it, we're hitting up a local bar for the duration. I'm so pumped just for football season to be here, which means it's about fall time! My favorite time of year!!!

I'm on my second week working at the admission office as the intern and LOVING it! It's the first job I've ever had that I thoroghly enjoy every aspect of my work (well so far that is). Actually, there is one thing about it giving me a headache. I'm having to confirm my travel schedule. I'll be traveling to high schools and attending college fairs across Ohio and even some in Indiana.

The other intern, Danielle, has been working on her travel schedule and apparently it was a breeze for her. I was not so lucky. Schools only can do visits on certain days or certain times or not at all. And the best, is truly when schools ignore your communication with them. It's really not that bad, just frustrating and the planner in me really just wants it all to be taken care of.

I hit the road in a week and a half. I'm pretty excited about that. I'll be traveling with the new admission counselor, Paul to Northwest Ohio. This will be a great way for me to get a feel for how these things operate.

This week and last, I've been doing some mock college fairs and admission conferences. It is extremely helpful to go through the motions. I feel very comfortable and will probably get to do one with prospective students within the week.

I am truly loving this experience and cannot wait to help students. I think I might have found my niche. Finally : )

Love & Hoots

Monday, August 30, 2010

So there I am, sitting in the dentist chair weeping uncontrollably.

Hello Beautiful People!

Okay sorry for the long wait in between posts. I've been recovering from my wisdom teeth extraction. And I'm STILL recovering. I called the oral surgeon this morning because I was out of drugs and NEED more. Still in unbearable pain. They said that definitely wasn't normal and should come in. So I left work an hour early and guess what? I have dry sockets. Fabulous. Not just one, but two! So the surgeon put in this medicated gauze stuff, which was fine. Well, fine until he stuck it in the side that was hurting more. Yeah, he tried to shove it in the dry socket with this pointy metal thing. Holy Crap! Of course, it came right back out on the first time, so he had to do it again. Twice the pain--awesome. So there I am, sitting in the dentist chair weeping uncontrollably. I've honestly never been in so much pain. Whew, glad it is over. I still have some pain, but it is like 10x better than before. Hopefully the medication doesn't wear off before I have to go back in on Wednesday at 8am to get new gauze put in. Yes, that's right. I get the joy of going back to the oral surgeon to have it done all over again probably at least two more times. Greatness...not. Okay that's enough of the complaining...

The Emmy's were on last night. I'm not really one for watching award shows, unless Caitlin has hold of the remote. But yesterday was a different story. I was miserable and there was nothing on TV because I finished watching Weeds. They were pretty fabulous.  I really with The Office would've won an award. I feel like they probably never will. Sad day. Oh, and LOST won nothing major! Okay, really?! It was an INCREDIBLE show and this was there last season. So nothing? Nothing at all? Ridiculous! I'm super pumped Jane Lynch won for Glee and John Lithgow for Dexter. Amazingness!

And onto some new movies I definitely want to see...
Legend of the Guardians (It's about Owls--YAY!)
Easy A (Penn Begley--Yum!)
Tangled (Animated movie about Rapunzel)
You Again (Amazing Actresses!)
The Social Network (Justin Timberlake. Enough Said.)
It's Kind Of A Funny Story (Zach Galifianakis)

Yes, there's a lot. And yes, I know I won't see them all but whatever. A girl can dream. : )

Love & Hoots

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm sitting here in the Owl House, praying my mouth heals. I got all four wisdom teeth cut out yesterday and I'm in so much pain. It definitely could be worse, but I've never been in so much pain.

I started at the Admission Office on Monday, but obviously I haven't been able to go back today or yesterday. I wish I could be at work but I'm in too much pain on and off to deal with working or even speaking. It is nice to have a little bit of a break, but not under these conditions.

To make things even better, I keep getting the hiccups. Within the last four hours, I've had them three times. It is horrible. I'm also straving and everything sounds amazing, but I cannot eat anything. Well, only soups and like applesauce.

Also, I've been trying to catch up on Weeds. I'm almost done with Season 2.

Okay I cannot write anymore. I'm in too much pain. Sorry friends. Hopefully more to come soon.

Love & Hoots

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Okay, so now we're stuck with this craptastic wallpaper?

This week is going slower than "old molasses". (Thank you Caitlin Mulkie for never hearing the right things I say or not listening at all. That is what makes great blog material.)  It's taking absolutely forever. It doesn't help that my boss at State Farm is gone this week for a conference, so there is like nothing for me to do. Sure, I'm doing my daily tasks and updating all of the social media, but that takes less than a hour. Blah. Such a boring day. Tomorrow is my last day, but right now I really can't wait for it to come. I mean 5.5 hours does not go by fast when you sit at your desk doing nothing.

I can't wait to go home and start working on more projects. I will be painting--oo la la, and revamping the bathrooms. My goal is to make this house look completely different by the time school starts. I feel like I'm well on my way to that goal. There is one thing that is driving me crazy when it comes to all these renovations and whatnot. The wallpaper in the living room is well, ugly, old, outdated, hideous. Need I go on? Okay, so it's this blue wave-like wallpaper. And then to add onto the "elegance" of the room, there's an ivy border around the entire room. So yeah, I mean I'm sure it was cool back in 1992 when they put it up, but it needs to be fixed. ASAP! I would glady take down the wallpaper and fix it myself, but Otterbein says, "No!" They have to come and paint or whatever. But the great thing is they won't do anything with wallpaper. Okay, so now we're just stuck with this craptastic wallpaper? Not fair! It's not just that it's ugly, it's falling off the walls and cracking. It just looks bad and I'm sick of looking at it. Maybe I can figure something out so that I'm not wanting to vomit everytime I try to sit and watch TV. That wallpaper has got to go, one way or another.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

But I mean honestly, how early is too early to send out resumes?

Okay so yesterday I was complaining because all of my shows for the summer were ending. Well, crap. Yes, I found two more shows to watch: The Big C and Weeds. I attempted wathcing The Real L. I did not like that. I've only watched one episode of each but they seem like pretty good shows (minus The Real L, not my cup of tea) so I guess I will continue to watch them until I get bored. The Big C just had its series premiere so there's only been one episode, but out of the two I like that one better. Plus, it's only 30 minutes so it doesn't waste much time. I have a feeling that I will be catching up on the six series of Weeds next week when I'm recovering.

Laura Linney, Cathy, in the main character in The Real C. Her humor is brilliant on the show. I feel like if this kind of situation would happen to me or my mom, we would act the exact same way.

Did I mention Gabourey Sidibe is in this show? Cracked me up at first. There are a lot of random actors that are in and out of this show. Loving that!

And then the little boy in Weeds, Shane, is super precious. He is one of the cutest little boys. You'll see when you watch Season 1. Makes me want to put the little trinket in my pocket.

I'm continuing on my stressful journey to get any and all things done. I know I shouldn't stress and worry, but it's what I do best. I just feel like I'm going to forget to do something or completely miss a major detail completely. I'm mostly talking about all things owls and homecoming that's coming up. I will happy when everyone is back at school and we can process all these things together. That will take loads off my mind.

And great thing, I woke up this morning at like 5am and couldn't not fall back to sleep. Why? Oh, I was just stressing about finding a legit job in like 10 months. I told you I worried (a lot). I mean I really would like to stay in the Columbus area, but I guess I'll be going wherever a job will take me. I need a full-time job with benefits. They don't have to be great benefits but I would like to be able to get my teeth cleaned and see a half decent doctor. I just wish I had something already set up and yeah, yeah, I know I'll be fine. But I'm a planner. I want to know now what's happening in 10 years. I need to know every detail. Hopefully, I will find an internship this year at a company that wants to keep me on full time after school is over. Let's hope and pray for that.

But I mean honestly, how early is too early to send out resumes?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Simply Ridiculous

Hello Tuesday!

Yesterday was my last day at my internship with Jack Hanna. I'm a little sad, but really excited to start my new one in the admission office. This is also my last week at State Farm, which stinks because I feel like I haven't even been here one month. Either way, I'm still excited to start my new job and help students. Yeah, that sounded way cheesy. But I am super excited for everyone to be back at school!

So the summer is just slowing down. You know how I know? My shows are having all their season finales. Not cool. I guess it will motivate me to do other things and not worry about catching up with my DVR. Like today, I'm going to try and go work out. Yes, I said it. I really need to get my butt in gear and do this. I always have excuses and complain, but I'm sorry if you like working out, then you're weird. And when I say like working out, I don't mean the feeling after a 30 min run. I mean do you thoroughly enjoy sweating your life away, wheezing, and getting all stinky. Yeah I hate that, but I guess it's just something you have to do.

I'm still working on things around the house. Nothing too exciting, but I am almost finished which is so exciting! Next week I have the privilege of getting all four wisdom teeth pulled out. Fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. I am terrified. I really try to act all brave, but I am NERV-OUS! Thankfully, my mom is taking off work to drive me over. So next week don't expect a lot of blog posts or if there are any, go ahead and expect them not to make any sense.

Also, I need to vent about something. Okay, Westerville what are you trying to do to me? The Main Street bridge is closed and I hate it. Right now it isn't as bad as when school starts. But really Westerville you're not even going to build a footbridge for us to get to our classes. No? Oh but thanks for the one-per-hour shuttle that is going to be useless if my class gets out late or early or if the shuttle is late or early or if my class in canceled altogether. Yeah, thanks for that. I really think some homeless man should take advantage of this and rent a boat. He could  sell tickets and take students back in forth. Honestly, not the worst idea, but either way ridiculous Westerville. Simply Ridiculous.

Peace Out Girl Scout

Friday, August 13, 2010

Floaters get a life vest!

TGIF! Like legitimately so ready this week to be over!

Okay so big things happened this week in the entertainment world. This is for sure a spoiler blog if you haven't been using your DVR this week, so beware!

First and foremost, the So You Think You Can Dance finale was on last night. AMAZING!!! Lauren won! And let me just say she was my favorite from Vegas. Yes, I guess you could say I have quite the eye for talent. I was sad for my little Kent. I mean he's still amazing and I'm sure he'll find work immediately and a girlfriend for that matter. This season was (in my eyes) the best season yet--so much talent!

I do have a few complaints though:
1. Lauren and Kent didn't do their prom dance which was PHENOM!
2. The double male ballroom dances need to go. Super awkward. It looks like they're in John Devlin's beginning ballroom class and no girls signed up so they have to dance together. I don't like it.
3. Comfort's hair in her number with Adechike. What was going on there?
4. Robert not having his shirt off more.
5. Mia Michael's dictionary of fake and obnoxious words. Murderation?

I mean it was an amazing season minus that. Definitely my FAV!

Onto Big Brother...the slutbag Rachel is finally gone! Thank you lord! She legitimately got mad at Kathy, another contestant, for celebrating when she beat Rachel in a competition. Lask week after Rachel won Head of Household she yelled, "Floaters get a life vest!" Well at least she's not hypocritical. This girl drives me crazy with her drama, tearsm and just complete ugliness. I'm tired of seeing it. Everyone, minus your blind showmance boyfriend, is happy to see you go.

And finally Jersey Shore! This show is so classless, but that's where the Emmys lie. Last night Snookie and Vinnie "hooked up." No one really knows what happened, but I'm sure their drunk selves had zero self-control. Ronnie us being his usual pig self: going out to the car with Sammie, getting into a fight and telling her to leave, hooking up with "grenades", and then coming back home to sleep in Sammie's bed. Disgusting.

More to come next week!

Love & Hoots!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I know those kinds of jobs are reserved for those crazy fashionistas, but a girl can dream.

So I know I have been going on and on about how I'm ready for fall. Well, after today's weather I would hope you are too. Here in Columbus we are on a heat advisory and it's been thunderstorming all day. And to make matters even better it will thunderstorming until Sunday. Fabulous.

Besides fall having the most wonderful weather, I'm really excited about the fashion. Yes, I'm a little obsessive when it comes to clothes. My roommate can vouch for me. Last year, I had my own room with two closets and a dresser. Somehow some of my clothes ended up drifting into the spare bedroom at the Seafoam Palace. And to make me look even more ridiculous, I still had bags of clothes left at my parents. Yes, saying I'm obsessive about clothes is an understatement.

The thing is I really do have a love for clothes and all things fashion. Ultimately, being a buyer would be FAB-U-LOUS! I know those kinds of jobs are reserved for those crazy fashionistas, but a girl can dream. So right now I stick to shopping with my friends and finding them the perfect outfits. Sara and Courtney can vouch for that.

So why I lead into this is because this fall I will the intern in the Admission office and traveling to high schools and college fairs. Obviously I'm going to have to be looking amazing, so I feel like I want to start sharing my super cute outfits with you all. You may not like them, but whatevs. I do. : )

Another thing to add to my overwhelming closet full of clothes. I have a lot of sorority clothing: things I've bought, things that have been passed down, etc. A lot of space is taken up because of this issue. So before you go pointing fingers, please remember half of the stuff is probably leaving by next summer. That will be a sad day.

But what I would like to leave you with is another little fashionista I know, Hope.

She is only 7 and is all about FASHION! She's already commenting on my outfits and telling me what she likes and doesn't. Oh dear, we're going to be in a world of trouble.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Are you green with envy yet?


I found this stunning beach resort and when I say stunning, I mean FREAKIN' AMAZINGLY STUNNING! This place is gorgeous. I would live here in a heartbeat. And whoever was the interior designer for this place, I applaud you and beg that you make my future home look half as gorgeous.

Like really? How amazing is this? The view alone is breath-taking, but to just have curtains as door. That kind of weather sounds amazing. I'm so over this Ohio humidity.

And then, let's talk about this super cool chair. I would love to take that out to the beach and catch some rays. Super colorful and fun!

Oh and while I'm at it, I'll take this pool here. The trees are a little weird, but I definitely like them. I even like the purple accent pillows. Yes, I said it. I like something that's purple.

Are you green with envy yet?

Monday, August 9, 2010

I just really enjoy posting relevant texts on my friends walls.

Hello Friends!

Today Lo and I went to mall so I could get a new dress for a wedding I'm going to on Saturday. I had a wonderful evening with her and can't wait to do it again soon. : ) YAY!!

I'm very excited for school to start because I miss my favorites so much. I'm very excited to start at the Admission Office in 2 weeks. I am not excited to get my wisdom teeth pulled out soon. I mean I am because my jaw is killing me. But if I hear one more horror story, I'm going to lose it. "Oh yeah, I had my wisdom teeth taken out. I was throwing up for three days and couldn't eat for two weeks. I pretty much hated my life and I looked ridiculous. But you'll be fine." How about you get real? You can't tell me how horrible it was for you and then expect me to believe I'll be fine. Yeah, right. So not only do I have that to look forward to, but I still have lots to get done with the house. Always a work in progress.

I'm still in freak-out mode when it comes to my life. I finally got my class schedules figured out, but if you know me, I'll be changing it. I'm very nervous about what spring will bring--hopefully a job. I hate being a "planner" because I drive myself crazy.

And I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a little obsessed with Texts From Last Night. I just really enjoy posting relevant texts on my friends walls. What's so wrong with that? I'm just being thoughtful. Hmm...maybe if I found a job doing that for a living.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

She looks like a Vegas showgirl minus the pretty.

Greetings Monsters!

So I'm sitting in the owl house once again. Caitlin just left : (. We had quite the wonderful weekend. She got here Saturday afternoon which is AWESOME!!! We got into some shenanigans, like usual. I cannot wait until September.

I am currently watching Big Brother. Brendan and Rachel make me want to vomit with their Showmance! He is gorgeous and she, well she looks like a Vegas showgirl minus the pretty. I just want them gone because they're not even entertaining--just annoying. But I do love Ragan. He is a gay college professor and he is precious. OMG and now Ragan the Precious is spurring with Rachel the Fugly. Get off my homeboy, hobag!

The So You Think You Can Dance season finale is on this week. Please watch! I definitely want Lauren to win, but I know Kent will win. Which is fine because he's precious and from Wapakoneta!

I've been painting today and I literally was outside for five minutes and I had 12 mosquito bites. Like really? Ugh! I hate bugs. Thank goodness I had some OFF! Deep Woods from 7 years ago in my closet--worked like a charm.

Oh, exciting news! I ate at Old Bag for the first time on Saturday. And FISH was my waitress--perfect! I had a buffalo chicken wrap, which was DELICIOUS!!! I love me some buffalo chicken. If you haven't had it, I suggest you go grab yourself some immediately. It is TASTY!

Okay good night lovies!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

You may not get her. You may not like her. She's Lady GaGa.

So I heard about this great website, http://www.fastcompany.com/. You definitely need to check it out if you're a young professional or in the business world. It lists all the new up and coming things along with crazy inventions. Awesomeness. So why am I telling you all about it, well I love you all and want you to be in the know, but mostly because this website is so on track.

I was browsing through their articles and trying to get all inspired when low and behold, GaGa.

They had listed the 100 most creative people and guess who's number one? My girl! Lady GaGa! Perfection! I'm glad that someone in the non-music/non-fashion world has actually caught onto this concept. You may not like her. You may not get her. But she is creative and you cannot deny that. Saying she's off the wall and quirky is an understatement. She is definitely out there, but that's what makes her GaGa.

So please check out her amazing article, www.fastcompany.com/100/2010/01/lady-gaga. Browse the rest of the list and the rest of the website.

Enjoy : )

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Like really, what do they expect us to call it--Otterbein U? That's way too many symbols for a slacker like me.

Well the weather has been crazy here. You know, normal Ohio. Fall needs to get here soon!

So I've been gone on an Admission Conference for my internship with Otterbein starting this fall. It was a pretty awesome experience. I got to meet a lot of great people from all across Ohio that are incoming counselors. We learned about what to, what not to do, etc. I'm really excited to get started and simply help students.

I went to the dentist today and sadly, I have no good news to report. I will be getting all 4 wisdom teeth out--fabulous. So now I have to try to find a time to fit that into my schedule. I'm really thinking my employer did not have in mind that I would be asking off all this time. Ugh.

I'm still interning with State Farm and Jack Hanna for the next three weeks. I only have two more days at Jack, but I have two and half weeks left at State Farm. I've been working alot with Otterbein to build a better relationship and make students, faculty, staff, and parents more aware of State Farm in the community. Along with that, I've been manning the social media aspects of the office and am LOVING it! It's great to be doing something I love and being the "guru" behind new ideas.

Still working on the owl house. It's slowly but surely getting finished and homecoming is approaching quickly. Thankfully, I've had some help from a few lovely owls : )

I'm so ready for school to start. I just can't wait to see everyone back at OC. Yes, I'm still calling it OC. I'm not changing K. Krendl and you can't make me! Like really, what do they expect us to call it--Otterbein U? That's way too many symbols for a slacker like me.

Love & Hoots

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I BLEED Scarlet & Gray!

So I'm off to Ashland U for my first official responsibilities as the admission intern. I don't really know what I'm going to be doing so it should be quite an adventure. And hey, who doesn't love a good adventure?

I'm really excited for school to start, mostly because I won't be here alone all the time. I can't wait for everyone to come back and here all about their summer shenanigans. Also, with school starting comes fall. And with fall come OSU football games-YAY!

If you don't know already, I BLEED scarlet and gray. I live for OSU football and cannot wait for our game vs. Marshall. Yes, I consider myself part of OSU--get off me. It's going to be a blood bath. My dad and grandpa went to Marshall, so I do "like" them, but my heart is in Columbus and that's that.

Another thing that comes with the fall is great style: sweaters, boots, scarves, etc. This website just embodies fall and all it's specialness--http://www.modcloth.com/.

Fall will be here soon, but just as soon as it's here it's gone. Ugh. I hate it and just wish it was the longest season, not the shortest.

Love & Hoots Pretty Ladies

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I just want my life to be figured out for once!

I'm still trying to catch up from vacation and it's killing me. I'm so exhausted all the time and I don't even have a good excuse. It's really just pathetic.

But I have been stressing a lot. Why? Well I met with one of my professors yesterday to go over my schedule and she realized I was short one class. Fabulous. I now have to re-work my entire schedule for the whole year. I also can't have an English minor anymore because I would go over on credit hours...bleh. And yeah I'm not about to give Otterbein more money.

So yesterday I was rearranging classes and noticed I could graduate after Winter Quarter. That would be great, but I'm living in the owl house and hold on office so that could really be a predicament. I've talked with the sorority advisors and they seem fine with it, so now I just need to hear from Otterbein Housing. Ugh. I really hope they'll let me live there and save me about five grand. I think Otterbein owes me a favor after the tens of thousands of dollars I've been shelling out the last four years.

Right now that's my main stressor. You know just figuring out my life, as usual. If I have to stay until spring quarter...fabulous. Not. I'll just need 12 credit hours to fill. Ugh. I guess it could be fun, but also pointless at the same time. We'll see what happens. I just want my life to be figured out for once.

Peace, Love, & Hoots!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sorry for the hold up : )

Just got back from the UP. I feel like I've been gone for a year--whew. I caught a lot of fish and jet-skiied for the first time. My comment about coming home is Wow it is HOT! It was never warmer than 80 degrees up there and there was no humidity. The week was wonderful, but I'm happy to be home and sleeping in my own bed tonight.

Things to do this week:

I'm not looking forward to the slap in the face of reality. So I've literally been sitting here all day trying to catch up on my TV watching. Yes, I'm lame.

I've been thinking about a lot of things involving my life lately. Again, freaking out about entering the real world. Speaking of, the real world...I'm currently watching the show and LOVING IT! I would love to be on the show just to experience new things. I love the challenge of a new city and new people.

I want to try anything and everything I can. So if you have a food, activity, or whatever to try...let me know. I'm just trying to expand my herizons and get the most out of this life. I'll document my adventures and obviously give you props for the idea.

Good night pretties!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ration all this Leah-goodness.

Please excuse my randomness.

I'm sick and taking drugs. These drugs are putting me into a bog. My roommate really thought I was drunk off these meds. Yeah, that's how bad it is. Alright, I'll try to pull it together.

So yesterday a girl in the office, Shelley, and I went canvassing in Uptown Westerville. We were supposed to cover 40-some businesses over the course of two hours. Well, when you put two talkers together, work doesn't exactly get finished.

We pass this store on State Street that sells dog and cat paraphernalia. Well, we had been warned by another employee not to canvas this particular store because of the rudeness of the owner. Shelley is ballsy and won't take crap from anyone. She was up for the challenge of Mr. Grouchypants and I was along for the ride. We walked into the store to find no one in sight. This did not intimidate Shelley. The owner finally peeked his head out. That was Shelley's cue to lay on the charm.

Shelley started a casual conversation with Grouchypants, but he wanted nothing to do with us. She asked him questions about his dog and he continued to want nothing to do with her. We thought we may have seen some charm when he offered her a candy. She jokingly asked if they were for dogs. He reassured her not, but when we got outside and opened the wrapper it looked like mold had been growing on it. Eww.

The man was so rude to us. I really couldn't even comprehend how you could expect to stay in business and be a jerkface like that. The entire time we were talking to him, he wouldn't even look up at us. He kept flipping through stacks of papers, pretending to read them. You're not fooling anyone, Doglover. He even had the gull to tell us, "None of your business!" Really, sir? You want to run a business and be like that. Oh no! Not to me! And you can expect I will defer people form visiting your store, Mr. Grouchypants!

Shelley and I went on our way and spoke to more vendors who were surprisingly more than happy to sit and chat with us for awhile. We made some great contacts and I made it through my first round of cold calls. I don't really mind it, as long as they're not like Mr. Grouchypants.

Tomorrow I leave for vacation with my boyfriend and his family to the upper peninsula of Michigan. I need to relax. I know some of you are probably thinking, "Hey didn't you just get back from DC?" Yes, that is true, but DC was not leisurely by any means. I had a blast, but it was run run run run run run run! Not a lot of downtime and that's what this next week is about. So this is it for about a week. Ration all this Leah-goodness. It will be awhile in between my next blast.

Love & Hoots pretties.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Hills Series Finale

So I'm back to the real world...and not exactly thrilled. It's not that I don't like my job(s). It's just a little mundane compared to taking the Metro to visit the South Lawn. Either way, I'm back and work and bored for today. Tomorrow I'll be canvassing local businesses with one of the other girls in the office, so that should be interesting.

I've decided to start being "healthy". We'll see how long it lasts. Yesterday was Day 1 of "Drink as much water as possible". I also did Yoga for the first time. It's a little odd, but rewarding to say the least. And the best part of all...little to no sweat. You can ask my roommate why I don't like to exercise. I sweat and that's gross. Ew. Well now I have a win/win situation going for me. Today began Day 2 of guzzle water like a camel. It isn't agreeing with me well. My bladder may be the size of a pea. I have been at work since 12:30pm and I have peed 6 times. That really is unnecessary. I feel like it really would just be easier to have a catheter installed.

Tonight is the SERIES FINALE of THE HILLS! I know most of you don't care, but to me this is BIG BIG BIG! I heard Lauren will be back which is amazing! I've been watching her since the first season of Laguna Beach. And while we're on the topic of Laguna Beach...If you are on Team Kristin then you have not watched that show. Laguna shows who Kristin really is and how much a sweetheart Lauren is! I challenge you to watch LB and tell me you still love Kristin. It's impossible. I would love to see a showdown of Brody and Stephen: two hottie pants.

Of course Pretty Little Liars is on again tonight. If you're not watching, what's wrong with you? I don't want to give away too many details in the hope you'll eventually stop being stubborn and get addicted to PLL.

Peace, Love, & Hoots!

Monday, July 12, 2010

My Life in Washington D.C.

So sorry it has been so long since I've written. I've been in D.C. having the time of my life. So Let me just give you a timeline of my trip...

We left at 10am from Columbus. We were making great time until we hit a major traffic jam 2 miles from our hotel. Yes, it was rush hour but there was also apparently an overturned truck in the middle of the freeway. The great thing about this two hour wait was that I had just drank my first tea. Now I do have a small bladder, but I didn't know tea is a diuretic and makes you pee like none other. I almost had to pull over on the side of the road and let it fly. Ugh. So that night we went to Lauriel, an amazing Mexican restaurant. We had some of the best food I've ever tasted and DELICIOUS swirl margaritas!

We went to the Pentagon for a behind the scene tour. It was amazing. We even got to go in the press room that only press and Pentagon officials are usually let in. We saw the area where the plane hit on 9/11 and the chapel they built in memory of it.

Then we headed over to the Capitol Building for another tour with Sherrod Brown's intern. I had never seen the building before so it was amazing!

Capitol Building

After the Capitol Building, we headed over to CBS News with Bob Orr. We were able to sit down and talk with him about his career and any suggestions he had for us. We toured the building and were able to sit at the anchor desk.

CBS News Anchor Desk

CBS News with Bob Orr

After that, we went to The White House. This was the highlight of the trip for everyone. We took a tour of the West Wing and saw the Oval Office--amazing! We were able to go in the press room and take pictures, which was cool in itself. The president was getting ready to fly in from Nevada and we were all praying that in a long shot we could possibly sneak a peek of him getting off the helicopter. So we worked our magic and made our way onto the South Lawn with the press to see his helicopter fly in. It was breath-taking to just see all of the pomp and circumstance for him.

Press Room at the White House

President Obama arrving on the South Lawn

We went to the Museum of American History and saw the first U.S. flag. It was "to'e up!" It literally was merely a thin piece of fabric. After that we headed over the Air & Space Museum for a little bit. We took the Metro back to the hotel so that we could get ready to leave for the Nationals game. At the Nationals game we were able to go down on the field for batting practice, which was incredible. I was 10 feet away from Adam Dunn, who used to play for the Reds. We watched the game from the press box. When we asked them how tall the press box was, they answered, "Freakin' High!"

On the field at the Nationals game

In the press box at the Nationals game

On Sunday, we packed up and headed over to our last stop at Meet the Press at NBC. We were able to watch the live show and even meet the host, David Gregory.

Meet the Press with host, David Gregory

Overall, the trip was amazing and I cannot wait to go back. I would love to enventually live in the D.C. area because it is so beautiful. I simply fell in love with D.C.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It was hotter than wasabi.

So I'm starting to stress a little. My wisdom teeth are starting to come in and I'm pretty certain they're going to need to be taken out. Ugh. Not happy about that. They are hurting like none other, so I guess I'm going to the dentist. Hopefully they can fix this. Eek!

Tonight I went to the Columbus Clippers game with Zach for State Farm. It was pretty amazing. We were in a suite with free food and drinks. I mean it was hotter than wasabi, but it was still fun.

I leave for D.C. in two days for my public relations tour. I cannot wait. I haven't been there since 2002 and it is going to be AMAZING!!! We're going to the White House and Pentagon and tons of other places and I am just so pumped. I feel so blessed to be given all of these great opportunities.

Then, the week after that I leave for Michigan with Zach and his family for vacation. We are renting ski-doos and you have to get these special licenses. So I went to take this test online. Oh wait, I suck at this. Like who cares what kind of engines can be powered at night if the boat's lights are off? No one. That's who! So I failed the test, like miserably. Mr. Schuh told me he would take it for me (don't tell anyone). Oh well.

I can't wait for my adventures to commence! Yay for life!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Tomorrow is work again blah.

So this past weekend was pretty busy. On Friday I went to Boom with some of my owl girls. It was interesting to say the least. I think I've has my fill of that so I really doubt you'll be seeing me there next year.

Saturday morning we had a cookout at the owl house which was so much fun. We cooked hot dogs and I made pasta salad. The Westerville parade was longer than waiting for Christmas. Saxman and I then did some major damage to the owl house. We completed many projects. It's starting to look good again. At about 11pm we went to the airport to get Lindsay and Rose. They went on a mission trip to El Salvador. It was nice to see one of my littles : )

Sunday brought even more projects. And then there was today. I had to get up and go to work at Jack Hanna. After that I went to the zoo with my dad, sisters, and brother. It was crazy hot out there-whew!

I came home and finished cleaning the basement. It doesn't even look like the same room. I found some very interesting pictures. Even some of our advisor, Deb Vedder. Her younger pictures look identical to Anna Haller. It's uncanny.

Tomorrow is work again blah.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th my little trinkets!

Hello my little trinkets!

So it's 4th of July weekend and I hope you all have fun plans. Me? I'm going to Boom tonight with the ladies. All day at work I've been hearing horror stories about people getting shot. I mean I've never been, but I'm not scared. It's not like I'll even know if someone gets shot because my mind will contribute it to a firecracker. And I'm sure I'll have a few drinks in me. 5:30 cannot come soon enough.

On Saturday I have a lot of cleaning planned. Oh yes, I'm quite the crazy girl. Maybe Saxman and I will go down to Jimmy V's and get a drink or something.

This next week will hopefully go quickly. I'm leaving for D.C. on Thursday and I'm more than excited!

Also if you're not watching So You Think You Can Dance, you should be! The show is amazing. This season the top 11 were partnered with past contestants. While it's cool to see them dance with someone who really knows what they're doing, I hate that there are already only 8 people left. At least when there were 20 contestants you were able to form a relationship with your favorites and hopefully see them dance longer. So I just hope next season it is back to normal. Maybe they can dance with favorites when they go from 20 to 10 next year or something.

Well my favorite is are definitely Lauren! And who doens't love Kent?! YAY!! Love them!

Lauren : )

Season 7 Top 9

Have  a great 4th everyone!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Freeze Pops and Profiency Tests

One of my many dreams is to go back to the 1960s and start living my life. I really just love the whole feel of that decade. So I guess in that case, I would wan't to be born in like 1950ish. I know there was war and craziness, but I don't even care. The magic of the 1960s is everything I dream about.

So where is this all even coming from? Well, I love the movie Grease. I was Peggy Sue in high school, literally. Everything was so less complicated and when it did get complicated, why not burst into song and sing your way out of the problem.

Those were simpler times. No Internet. No Facebook. No blogs. Okay, yes that would totally bum me out. But don't you think sometimes it would be better to live in a world that's not so fast-paced?

I just want to go back in time because life is passing me by so quickly. I feel like I'm standing in one place while the world zips past me. I want to be a kid again and not worry about bills or interviews, just freeze pops and profiency tests.

I know I made sound like I'm in the middle of a mid-life crisis and should probably be about 47 years-old, but I am quickly realizing how precious time is.

There's not much left of my college life and making memories at Otterbein, but I will take each step in stride and remember what brought me here. The friends I've made here will last a lifetime, even if I don't see them until another life.

Time passes so fast, you really need to take a second to breathe in all the memories.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I have an obsession with food.

Sorry for no new post yesterday. I went to see Toy Story 3. It was awesome!!! My favorite part of the entire movie was Mr. Potato Head as a tortilla! Loved it! As we were leaving the movie theatre, we saw crazy people. And yes, when I say crazy people I AM referring to people waiting to see Twilight. There were people waiting in line at 7:45pm and they looked like they'd been sitting there awhile. Ridiculous. Absolutely Ridiculous! And I mean ridiculous over any movie! Do you really need to be there 5 hours before the movie starts? You will get a seat. Calm yourself!

So there are some simple things in life that I get great pleasure from...stuffed crust pizza. It is so delicious! You would think it would be just as good as cheese pizza and cheesy breadsticks even, but no! It is so much better! If you've never had stuffed crust pizza, you've never lived. It is amazing!

I'm starting to notice a pattern. I have an obsession with food.

Speaking of that, I can't tell you the last time I ate a buffalo chicken sub from Subway. There are some weeks that I get them two days in a row. Yeah, I'm pathetic.

Another new thing I will be trying soon: pretzel waves. I know it may seem like I'm addicted to pretzels or something, but I'm not. It's just this lady in my office that is and I have little willpower against delicious food.

Peace & Love!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sleep tight to all you night owls!

Monday is done and over with. Thank you lord. Today has been a pretty busy day. Ashlee and I painted the crest in front of the owl house. It looks so much better. Gina and I cleaned the basement that was pretty hilarious. Found some very crazy things!

Exciting news:: I just found out today that I will be going to Washington D.C. July 8-11! Yay!!! I'm so excited. I'll be going to the White House and CBS News and whatnot. I'm super pumped!

Well that really is all for tonight. I'm just too exhausted. Sleep tight to all you night owls.

Love & Hoots

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bring on the Monday!

I'm back!

Hello my loves. This past weekend seemed more like a week than weekend. I was at home running my high school's cheerleading camp. Whew, am I tired! I did get some cash money and got to spend some quality time with Zach and his family. I played into the redneck stereotype and went to the tractor pulls. It really is a great time, drinking beer and watching some tractors

Let's talk about how much I love reality TV! It is just amazing because there is so much craziness! The Real World starts this week : ) YAY!!! And Big Brother will be starting soon as well. It's just too bad I don't have Natalee to watch it with.

Since I'm back in Columbus, I must continue on my owl house projects. This house is in need of a major facelift.

So Sara and I will be going to Red, White, and Boom. Please let me know if you're going to be a baller and be there! : )

I'm really sick of hearing about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter or whatever it is called. I mean these commercials are really ridiculous...bleh. If I went to FL I would definitely be layinng out on the beach sipping a mimosa!  And I don't want to hear about Eclipse or Twilight Saga or whatevs. UGHH!

So about State Farm...I love love love it! It's such a great environment to work in. And I know I keep going on and on about it, but it's very uncommon for me to "LIKE" a job. And I don't "like" this job. I LOVE IT!

It is crazy storming here! So I probably should sign off before I get electracuted.

Bring on the Monday : )

Friday, June 25, 2010


So I lied...One more post before the weekend! Just a thought to leave with you all...

"You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does." --Tom Petty

Tom says relax, so I will. Something I will always live by. I tend to get tangled up in my job(s) and looking into the future, when really I just need to relax. Take a breath and enjoy the moment. I know college will be ending in a year, so I'm just going to sit back and make the most these last few months.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Making BANK this weekend!

So there's not much to write tonight becuase I am super tired and trying to get everything packed to go home this weekend. I am running my high school's cheer camp on Saturday and Sunday and making BANK! I mean I love doing it; the money is just a bonus!

Tomorrow is Fourth Friday Festival in Uptown Westerville. I'm working it for State Farm. Please stop by to see me and grab yourself some free water.

So You Think You Can Dance was on tonight--Amazing! My favorites are Lauren and Kent! Oh, and Billy Bell is amazing!

That's all for now...I'll be back on Sunday!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I love being treated like a real person.

I am very excited about the new movie, Easy A. I can't wait to see that! It just looks brilliant.

Today, I went to Crew Stadium. It was hot and no one was there, so it was kind of a complete waste of time.

Side note: There was a supposed earthquake in Columbus today. People were evacuated from their buildings and everything. Apparently there was one in Quebec that was a 5.5! Craziness!

I'm still working on projects in the owl house. There's so much to do before our 100th year Homecoming in October. I'm just trying to re-vamp the house, but not too much. We still want the alumni to give us money. : )

On an sentimental level, I just wanted to say I'm in love. Love. Love. Love. I'm sorry this is so sappy. I've just really been happy lately. My boyfriend, Zach, of 5 and a half years has just been so incredible. Sentimental and thoughtful. It's just crazy how long we've been together. Sometimes I wasn't sure it would work out, but we've made it and that makes me so happy. Okay, I'm done with all that. I hope not too many of you threw up over the lovey doveyness.

Currently at my internship, I'm working with Otterbein to distribute renter's insurance information to new and current students. I'm really excited about this because it was all my idea and we're really doing it. I guess I just can't believe how much they value my opinion and trust my decision-making. It really is so refreshing. I love being treated like a real person.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

About my friend...

So I know I just posted, but this has been something on my mind and I keep forgetting to mention it.

I have this friend and she's really a great friend. Well, her and her boyfriend broke up awhile back, but they had been dating for like years. Now, my friend is pretty emotional so I was certain that she was going to be a wreck. Much to my suprise, she has been amazingly strong through this whole break-up business.

I guess I just wanted to take this time to applaud her for being so strong. I know I could not have done what she's done and be okay. She is independent and confident. I look up to her so much more since the ending of her relationship. She really took a step out of her life to better examine her life. She thought about her feelings and what she wanted.

She's done so many big things and I feel like she doesn't even know it. Kudos to her for being a strong, independent, ambitious, beautiful woman. I love you and hope to be half the girl you are.

Tuesday Night TV

I just finished watching my shows of Tuesday night.

Pretty Little Liars:
It's amazing. Why aren't you watching it?

The Hills:
I just discussed this with Caitlin. We believe they need to bring Heidi and Spencer back. As much as I hate the two of them, they do make the show. And I really want to see more of Spencer's crystals.

The City:
Roxy is turning into Kelly Cutrone. She's just not as much of a baller.

Downtown Girls:
Now this is a new show that I've only watched one other time. And I was like half watching it, so I guess it doesn't really count. Anyway, it's this show about these girls who live in downtown New York. Well, the one girl just found out she didn't pass her Bar Exam to be a lawyer. That is like major devastation. I couldn't even imagine putting in all that time and effort to law school and then being told hey FYI: You're not good enough so wait another 6 months. I really do feel for her though.

Onto more important things...HUGE accident on 71 today! It literally took me 1.5 hours to get from Otterbein to Polaris and back. Absolutely insane.

Well tomorrow should be an exciting day...still trying to answer some major life questions and figure out what I'm doing...bleh.

Good night loveys...sweet dreams